Monday, January 23, 2012

"How to De-SPAM Your Life"

This article was just published by Lifehacker and shows you ways to remove spam from various communication outlets in your life. It touches on how to remove spam in your email, get rid of unwanted callers on your phone (or unwanted texters), and block unusual or pestering Facebook users from contacting you.

All of the techniques listed are really simple - and Lifehacker offers them in sections so if all you want to do is find out how to block calls, you can just click the "Calls" link and go straight to that section of the page.

This is a really good article to read through even if you're not feeling burdened by unwanted contact. The article does show you how to block, but also how to customize and organize your communication channels to best suit you.

Check it out, "How to De-SPAM Your Life" on

All information including photo, courtesy of

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